Re: AG Edwards management fee

Re: AG Edwards management fee

am 06.03.2006 21:26:57 von tytab99

I don't support these management fees one bit. Most of the things I
learned have not been rocket science. I have done around 27% a year,
after fees. If you are serious about quitting work in the traditional
sense; a zeal would lead you in the right direction. There are a few
things that could help you learn your risk. Check the sites. If you
are disciplined to come here to the internet, then I think you are
disciplined enough to do it yourself. Society gives insurance people,
and so-called professionals way too much power, but that is probably
for a reason. The last book I read said that if you find 1 out of
1000, who knows the truth, and you can trust in finance; you are lucky.
By the age of 30, you should have met roughly 9000 people in life; so
go figure. You would be better off teaching yourself, unless you hate
reading about it.