Re: Ideas to get new renters.

Re: Ideas to get new renters.

am 07.03.2006 23:15:11 von Maren Purves

W. Wells wrote:
> I have several apartments for rent. I need some ideas on how to fill them
> up. Always seem to have 20% of them empty. I know this is not a good time
> for rentals but have run out of ideas.
> We are 30 miles from a large city where the rent is higher, the apartments
> are in a middle scale part of town. Good condition, and full amenities.
> We have a sign of vacancy , and name in local rental publications.

classified ads in the local paper
contact medium-large businesses, they may have a 'for rent' folder
local (!!!) ads (!) newsgroups
local noticeboards (colleges don't only have students, they have staff
faculty as well, and they usually have a lot of noticeboards)

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