Re: Ideas to get new renters.

Re: Ideas to get new renters.

am 12.03.2006 06:02:06 von satarnag

W. Wells wrote:
> I have several apartments for rent. I need some ideas on how to fill them
> up. Always seem to have 20% of them empty. I know this is not a good time
> for rentals but have run out of ideas.
> We are 30 miles from a large city where the rent is higher, the apartments
> are in a middle scale part of town. Good condition, and full amenities.
> We have a sign of vacancy , and name in local rental publications.
> Thanks for any help.

What I do is I visit local corporate businesses near my rentals and
post a flyer on their employee lounge that reads "Live close to work!".
It has been extremely successful, much more than the MLS database. Plus
you know your applicants have a job. ;)


Re: Ideas to get new renters.

am 12.03.2006 09:22:34 von user

>W. Wells wrote:
>> I have several apartments for rent. I need some ideas on how to fill them
>> up. Always seem to have 20% of them empty. I know this is not a good time
>> for rentals but have run out of ideas.
>> We are 30 miles from a large city where the rent is higher, the apartments
>> are in a middle scale part of town. Good condition, and full amenities.
>> We have a sign of vacancy , and name in local rental publications.
>> Thanks for any help.

1. How about turning one of the suites into a daycare, and offer
daycare service to your tenants. You could raise the rents a bit to
offset the cost, and probably find a lot of people would be interested
in that. You could then market toward young single mothers, or others
with children.

2. You could outfit the apartments for hearing and sight impaired
people, or other types of disabilities and then aim toward that rental
market noting that you have suites designed for their disability.